My name is Yi Huang. I'm an assistant professor at the Yau Mathematical Sciences Center based at Tsinghua University (Beijing). I am a geometer/geometric topologist, and much of my work involves using the geometry of hyperbolic surfaces to study Teichmüller and moduli space theory. I received my PhD from the University of Melbourne under the supervision of Prof. Paul Norbury.
Here's my
For the past semester (Spring 2024), I've been
Weiyan CHEN 陈伟彦, Honghao GAO 高鸿灏, Jianfeng LIN 林剑锋, and I organise the YMSC Topology seminar at the Yau Mathematical Sciences Center (Tsinghua University), and here is its main website.
I prefer e-mail. Try either "nc.ude.auhgnist@htamgnauhiy" or "moc.liamg@marflowerew" . Note that you might have trouble copy and pasting my addresses directly from this page =)